SOUTHWESTERN Rope Halter and Lead in Fun Colors with Braided Nose Band | SouthwesternEquine
SOUTHWESTERN Rope Halter and Lead in Fun Colors with Braided Nose Band
SOUTHWESTERN Rope Halter and Lead in Fun Colors with Braided Nose Band Equine
SOUTHWESTERN Rope Halter and Lead in Fun Colors with Braided Nose Band Equine
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Southwestern Equine has done it yet again! This beautifully crafted halter features both style and functionality. Being made of a Mountain Rope allows for this halter to be extremely durable. The featured braided noseband allows for a little bit of extra control when your horse is a bit full of himself as well as it adds a pop of color! This halter comes in many different colors so be sure to find the one that matches your unique style! This Halter comes with a 7' lead rope as well so it is ready to go as soon as you pull it out of the package.
SOUTHWESTERN Rope Halter and Lead in Fun Colors with Braided Nose Band Equine
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